Chantiers \ #869712012024 · 12.01.2024 Imprimer
Travaux à réaliser
Faux plafond / Cloison / Isolation intérieur
Tous types de plafonds, de cloisons et travaux d'isolation par l'intérieur. Finitions à voir avec l'entreprise.
We would like to remove one wall in our office and potentially add 2 glass walls. We would need an estimation of how much that could cost.
The company name is La Mancha Holding, and our office address is Avenue Pasteur 31-33, L-2311.
I am at the office each Monday, so if you could come on Monday it would be perfect. If not, please give me a call and we can agree on the best way.
Thank you in advance and kind regards,
We would like to remove one wall in our office and potentially add 2 glass walls. We would need an estimation of how much that could cost.
The company name is La Mancha Holding, and our office address is Avenue Pasteur 31-33, L-2311.
I am at the office each Monday, so if you could come on Monday it would be perfect. If not, please give me a call and we can agree on the best way.
Thank you in advance and kind regards,
Date de début souhaitée : Non renseignée
Budget : Non renseigné
Commune : Luxembourg
Village : Non renseigné
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