
Chantiers \ #652014032023 · 14.03.2023 Imprimer Envoyer mon devis

Travaux à réaliser

Panneaux photovoltaïques

Tous types de panneaux photovoltaïques. Conditions à voir avec l'entreprise.
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am contacting you, as I am interested in a project as follows: putting solar panels (and a water heating panel) on my roof. I am also potentially interested in a fast charging station for electric cars.
Please let me know when we might be able to discuss further and any other information I need to prepare for our discussion, in order to receive an offer and an estimated timing.

The house is located in Medernach/Vallée de l’Ernz (Luxembourg).

Best regards,

Date de début souhaitée : Non renseignée

Budget : Non renseigné

Commune : Vallée de l'Ernz

Village : Non renseigné

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