
Chantiers \ #476604072022 · 04.07.2022 Imprimer

Travaux à réaliser

Nettoyage de bureau ou surface commerciale 3.50bureau(x)

Tout type de nettoyage de bureau, conditions à voir avec l'entreprise
Our office is approx. 1000 square metres, but not everything is used, so the actual office area is smaller. We have three main office areas, where all surface areas need to be cleaned and dusted, vacuumed cleaned. We have 4 toilet rooms in the lower part of the building and 2 showers (showers are not fequently used). On the ground floor, we have a kitchen with a lunch area and a big meeting room. Upstairs, we have to main office areas, a tiny tea kitchen and 1 toilet, 2 meeting rooms. The staircase needs to be vacuumed and mopped on a regular basis.

Date de début souhaitée : Non renseignée

Budget : 1500€

Commune : Mertert

Village : Non renseigné

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