
Chantiers \ #857318122023 · 18.12.2023 Imprimer Envoyer mon devis

Travaux à réaliser

Kleine Elektrikerarbeiten

Alle Arten von kleinen Elektrikerarbeiten. Die Bedingungen, mit dem Unternehmen vereinbaren.
I would need small electrical works, please:
Install 2 lamps on the roof of the living room.
Install 1 lamp (with fan integrated) in child's bedroom.
Replace dimmable switch/key of the lamp in the kitchen by a regular switch/key.
Check (and fix/replace) the spots located above the mirror in the toilette.

Desired date: before 24th December if possible, please.
Location: Dommeldange


Date de début souhaitée : 21.12.2023

Budget : Non renseigné

Commune : Luxembourg

Village : Non renseigné

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