
Chantiers \ #802628092023 · 28.09.2023 Imprimer Envoyer mon devis

Travaux à réaliser

Duschzimmer Installation

Alle Arten von Duschzimmer Installationen. Die Bedingungen, mit dem Unternehmen vereinbaren.
I would like to receive a installation quote for the below bath screens. I will be ordering them online, however I need a plumbing service for the installation. It's only for one of these type depending on the availability.

1. Kermi Liga - https://www.reuter.com/kermi-liga-folding-screen-2-wing-w-120-h-150-cm-hinged-right-tsg-clear-with-kermiclean-matt-glossy-silver-a749264.php
2. HuPPE - https://www.reuter.com/hueppe-design-pure-bath-screen-bi-fold-door-w-120-h-150-cm-hinged-right-tsg-clear-matt-silver-a700544.php

Date de début souhaitée : 29.09.2023

Budget : Autre

Commune : Luxembourg

Village : Non renseigné

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